Are you familiar with the story of Jonah in the Bible?
That's the guy who was swallowed by a giant fish.
Here is a quick recap:
God tells Jonah to go to a city {Ninevah} to preach to them. Jonah doesn't want to do that and runs away to a boat. There is a huge storm and all the guys on the boat are like "everyone pray to your gods and tell them to stop this storm." The storm continues and gets worth and the guys confront Jonah and Jonah tells him that he is running away from God who made the heavens and earth. Eventually Jonah gets off the boat and is thrown into the sea. The guys on the ship were so fearful of such a powerful God that they made vows to Him! {At this the men greatly feared the Lord, and they offered a sacrifice to the Lord and made vows to him. (Jonah 1:16 NIV)}
Jonah gets swallowed by a giant fish for three days and three nights. He prays to The Lord and repents. Jonah goes to Ninevah, like he should have to begin with.
{this was the fast recap and there are so many details that are left out. Make sure to read the story in Jonah 1,2,3}
I realized that I am a little like Jonah in this season.... But like opposite.
I want to move back to California. Especially after visiting! My heart LOVES it there and it will always be home to me.
But...... My husband and I are feeling like we should stay here. We don't want to leave Missouri missing out on what God has for us here (ministry opportunity, a lesson, friend, etc). I know we won't be swallowed up by a giant fish and we aren't intentionally trying to disobey The Lord , but I still don't want to miss out.
Think of all those Ninevites who would have not heard The Lord if His servant, Jonah, had continue to run away.
Let's all take a lesson from Jonah. His story is a short but important one.
Listen to The Lord. Go to where He calls you. Bloom where you are planted!
Lessons and love. -Mrs. V