Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What's up Wednesday!

Thought I would do something fun and tell you all what I have been up to! 

What have I been reading: 
The book of Ruth with the SheReadsTruth community. I have known the story but digging deeper is really impacting me. It is reminding me that God is always working in my life - even in the harder times. 

What have I been watching: 
LOTS of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. I put it on for Baby V while I read and enjoy coffee. He doesn't actually WATCH it but once the episode ends he starts jabbering and looking at the TV and then back at me. 
Also today I caught up on Parenthood and watched the season finale. Hmm.

What have i been eating; 
spaghetti' I have made it TWICE this week per my husband's request. Mr. V loves angel hair pasta and told me today "I could eat this every day". Uh.... No. I think I need a break haha. 
Spaghetti face 

Also I have found my love for chocolate banana protein smoothies. Mmmm.

What products have i been using:
I haven't been using anything special for me but for Seth I am IN LOVE with California Baby products. They all smell so yummy and all natural. 

What have you been feeling: 
I am actually kinda stressed. Ha. Our car broke down at target on Friday for the 3rd time in like four months. It's costing us a little more then we thought and that is kind of hurting us financially. Seth is teething really badly (getting two bottom teeth) and so he is very very cuddly and just wants to be held all day. Which means I pretty much get zero housework down (and I cannot remember the last time I brushed my hair). Our little family has made a BIG decision and although I feel peace about it, there is still a lot to do. So I am just clinging to some bible verses to keep me going. {"You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your word." (Psalms 119:114 NKJV)}

So lovelies, let me know what's up with you in the comments! 

I hope you all have a wonderful week and remember that the joy of The Lord is you strength! 

Pasta, Daniel Tiger, and love - Mrs V

Sunday, June 22, 2014

I need grace {my realization}

We all get busy.

I am at that point where I feel like I am always doing something but then I feel like I did nothing. 

My new mom life is filled with changing diapers, breastfeeding, managing NapTime, singing "itsy bitsy spider" a million times, preparing easy to swallow meals, and chasing after a crawler who wants to put everything in his mouth. 


The other day I realized that I am not spending enough time with The Lord. Sure... I am not doing anything WRONG. I am not getting drunk or sleeping around. I'm not killing people or cheating. I read my bible every few days and maybe even listen to a worship song. I say my little "thank you" prayer before I eat and before bed. That's good, right? 

Except, that I felt myself being jealous of other people. I was having an attitude with my husband and would even get impatient with my ten month old. I was feeling bitter about certain situations. I was NOT in a good place. I was trying to find happiness in other places. I was trying to do everything in my own strength. 

I had become stagnant. I was no longer pursuing The Lord. I was just there. 

Holy Spirit is so good and reminded me that I had distanced myself. I was not in constant relationship with The Lord. I was meeting my daily quota of a bible verse but I was not truly spending time with God. 

When I am actively pursuing The Lord then all my relationships flow from that. 

I am never going to be perfect. I know that I need my Savior and His grace daily. And when I am spending time with Him I can receive that grace and glorify God. 

His grace is sufficient for me. 

It restores me. 
It revitalizes me. 
It refreshes me. 

Friends, if you have been struggling in any way... Know that I am praying for you! 
His grace is enough for you! 
Even if you noticed that you are in a similar place as me and you have become stagnant
In a place where you are just living from your own strength. You don't have to feel like this! Reach out to The Lord and allow His joy to cover you. 

Ssllllooowwwww down. 

Find the joy in the every day. 

Accept His grace. 

Feel His love for you! 

Fresh grace, new beginnings, and love. - Mrs. V

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

My crazy, messy, beautiful life.

My days are filled with running after a baby (or is he a toddler?), making meals, cleaning up toys, wiping a booty, breastfeeding, going to bed at 8:30 only to be woken up 3 times at night and up at 7am, and entertaining a ten month old while attempting to be a good wife.
My life {at this point} is far from anything pretty. More days then I can count my hair isn't brushed and some days (like yesterday) I forget to put on deodorant.  I am always tired. Always. During Baby V's NapTime I am usually trying to catch up on laundry or just staring at the wall. 

I constantly have a Daniel Tiger's neighborhood song stuck in my head and some type of drool or spit up on my shirt. 

But I am cherishing this time! He is only small for such a short time. I mean he is already almost a year old. 

Although I never have make up on, usually wearing a big tshirt and yoga pants on {and might  even stink from time to time} I wouldn't pass up his laugh, toothless grins, and sweet cuddles for anything. The Lord has blessed me as a mother and I choose to praise Him for this crazy, messy, beautiful life. 

Sticky fingers, a change of clothes, and love. - Mrs. V