Hooray for Friday!!!
I am very ready for the weekend.
But first.... Let's write some letters with Ashley! {does she even do these anymore? Lol}
Dear Bank Account,
Sorry you have been empty for awhile. But thank you for paying all of our bills! Hopefully soon there will be more in there for ya!
Dear BabyV,
You absolutely delight my heart. More then I ever thought possible. Your laugh and smile make my day. You are such an adventurer and I pray that I can always cultivate that in you! My biggest prayer is that you will see The Lord evident in your life and it will lead you down His path. You are our little pride and joy! Also, how is it your birthday in a little over a week! I can't wait to celebrate this past year of you!!!
Dear Coffee,
I just want to thank you for giving my the extra energy to chase after my little guy, do the laundry, and just BE AWAKE when every part of me wants to sleep. Thank you for being my companion allll day! Iced or hot, you are a miracle.
Dear Summer,
I hate you. I just do. I hate shorts. I hate heat. I hate sweat. I hate humidity. Go away!
Dear MrV,
I am soooo proud of you on your promotion at work! I know I have told you a million times but I am! I am so glad I have you on this journey as spouses and parents. I know we aren't perfect and we are continually improving but I am blessed to have you!
Dear Lord,
First of all - thank you! Thank you for my healthy baby boy and my wonderful husband. Thank you for Your grace and Your mercy that flow over me like a river. You are so good and I know I don't say thank you enough. I want to honor you with my words and actions always. I want to be an example to BabyV and future children. Thank you for guiding me along Your path and for Your never ending love. Bless each and every one of my followers. Reveal Yourself to them in new ways and give them peace that surpasses all understanding. Bless their finances, their marriages, their waiting, their children, their wombs, their minds, and their bodies! Amen
Dear readers/followers/friends,
You all are so amazing!!!! You have been patient with me while I figure out how to manage blogging with having a little one! You have shared stories with me, encouraged me, and make me smile! It's so fun getting to know you all and I realize that not every 140 of you read my blog everyday {although I like to pretend you get excite when I post something} but seriously you all just make my day that you even decided to follow Captivated By Love.
I hope you all have a great weekend! Anything fun planned? Or just relaxing this weekend? Who has to work? Let me know in the comments!
Letters, weekends, and love. - Mrs. V