Trying to keep up with chores.
Attempting to not only eat cookies and eggnog all day.
Adjusting back to normal life.
MrV went back to work today after a few days off for Christmas and it was so sad for me! It felt a little strange to be just me and our son at home all day long. He is still enjoying all his new toys but I was a tad lost when I went to put on Christmas music with the fireplace on while he played. It took me about a milisecond to think "is this okay?" Is Christmas music really off limits after December 25th?
Christmas has SUCH a huge build up. Some families start decorating and listening to Christmas carols before Thanksgiving! And then in a blink of an eye, its all gone and we have to take down the tree and garland and go back to whatever music we listened to before 'O Holy Night' was on repeat.
We place all the ornaments back in the boxes and no longer buy peppermint mocha coffee creamer.
On to the next BIG event! With new beginnings, resolutions, promises, and declarations.
And although Christmas is over, my biggest resolution is that the reason behind it all - Jesus - will continue to impact those around me.
empty cups of eggnog, disipating smell of pine, and love. - MrsV