Friday, April 20, 2012

Little blessings

I just got back from the laundry mat

Two days ago yours truly was in charge of getting all the laundry done including my husband's work clothes.

After what seemed like 100 hours I had everything clean, folded, and in the bag! Since laundry is my least favorite chore (I would rather do yard work.. or clean the bathroom... or clean someone else's house then do laundry) I was feeling really good about myself that it got done.

All those feelings quickly dissipated when Martin was picking out his work clothes for the following morning.

Apparently I had left two of the three work pants at the laundry mat. Because it was already late and Martin and I needed to get up at 3:30 the next morning, Martin said that we should just forget about it.

Yesterday I didn't have the car so I couldn't check if the pants were there but I thought it was worth a shot to see.

When I pulled up to the laundry mat I said a quick little prayer and in I went.

They had the pants!!! The manager said he found them still in the dryer last night and put them inside. I was sooo stinking excited! Martin has clean pants to wear to work and we don't have to spend money to buy new ones! (:

It just reminded me again of all the blessings that surround me.

Like if I were to truly think about ever.single.blessing my heart is overwhelmed with thankfulness.

I have food. A roof over my head. Clothes (clean too!!!). A phone. Air. The ability to walk. So much!

I really want my heart to always be thankful toward the Lord. For all that He has done and all that He is doing.

Sure I have bad days... its not always smiles. There are times when we only have top ramen to eat (although my husband LOVES top ramen lol). There has been times when we couldn't pay some bills. There has been tears... but I can't let it get to me.

When I take the time to think about all the blessings, they completely outweigh the sadness and hard times.

Countless blessings and love. - Monica

♥ . ♥ . ♥

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