Sunday, November 15, 2015

ANOTHER rebrand.

Well, I am sure you have seen some changes to the blog... again.
I went from Captivated by Love.
To Top Knots and sippy Cups.
Last night I was laying in bed and tossing and turning ... like I do most nights trying to get comfy laying next to a toddler.
I started thinking about my blog and what I want for it.
I thought that I wanted to just write mommy stuff -- which is why I went for a very mom type title.
Last night I realized I don't want to limit myself.
I want to write mom stuff and updates on the boys. I want to post recipes and crafts I am doing. 
But I also want to journal about what he Lord is doing in my life. What I am learning. How I am growing. The good, the ugly, the scary, the lovely.  All of it.
So the last and final change.
Welcome to:
That Beloved Life!
Promise it will be the last change. Haha.

I made a Facebook page where you can like!
You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram:

Thanks so much friends for sharing in this blogging journey with me!
More changes and love, Monica