Wednesday, February 29, 2012

i want to leave a legacy

i want to leave a legacy. 
How will they remember me?
Did i choose to love? Did i point to you enough
to make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering.
A child of mercy and grace 
who blessed your name unapologetically
and leave that kind of legacy. 

-Nichole Nordeman 'Legacy'

Today I read a blog that really moved me. I started following Not Your Everyday Cinderella a few months back. Her blog is inspiring, encouraging, and stir up my spirit. Today her words really got me thinking. She spoke on leaving a legacy for the next generation and questioned what people will think of us as they read about us in history books. What are we leaving behind? (I wont tell you all that she thought.. and you should really check her out!)

I used to listen to Nicole Nordeman's CD a lot when i was in High School (yup... i was that weird girl listening to music that no one else heard of. lol). Her lyrics in the song 'Legacy' are such a cry of my heart! I want people to see a difference in me when i say that i am a believer. I want my actions to match my words, my words to match my thoughts, and my thoughts to come from whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is excellent, or praiseworthy. (Phillipians 4:8)

 I do not want people to discover i am a Christian because i say "why.. yes.. i do go to church Sunday mornings and read my Bible from time to time." I want them to KNOW i am a Christian by the way i live my life... by the way that i love. I know that i am imperfect. I stumble. I fall. I lack. Just today i spoke to my husband in a not-so-kind way.  But in Christ.... in Christ i am made new. In Christ i lack NOTHING. In Christ i can find hope in a hopeless situation. I can find joy in a sorrowful time. I can find peace through a storm. I can find love through every kind of heartbreak. 

I want to live in a way that other people can find that hope, that joy, that love, and that peace. THAT is the legacy that i want to leave for the future generation. I dont want praise, or status, or recognition... i want our God to tell me "Well done, good and faithful one." 

What about you? Have you thought about it? What are you leaving behind? 

leaving a legacy of love. - Monica
♥ . ♥ . ♥ 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kandee Johnson's giveaway!

I LOVE free stuff!!! Its the best kind of stuff.

She is giving away 50 EYEKO Mascara! Its wonderful, beautiful, and free (and its normally $19!).

If you are interested in winning some free stuff check out kandee's blog.

Have a great Sunday, loverlies!

free stuff, beautiful women, and love. - Monica
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Thursday, February 23, 2012


Well.. last night was a not-so-smiley moment for me. I even shock myself sometimes with my behavior.

I got home from work and my husband intended to be sweet and welcomed me home from my long 8 hour day of work. Insecurities, anxiety, and just plain tiredness overwhelmed me and i started an argument with my husband. Not my proudest moment.

This morning... after "sleeping it off" i woke up in complete shame and mostly embarrassment for the way i reacted. We BOTH apologized for not handling the situation better and it opened up to some beautiful discussion between the two of us.

I am soo glad that i am in a marriage where we can overcome. Overcome an argument. Overcome our pride. Overcome hurt feelings. We can still forgive time and time again because we are forgiven.

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. 
Ephesians 4:32

I am thankful to the Lord DAILY that He has forgiven my sins (and the sins to come). I am an imperfect person but He still loves me. And i am an imperfect wife but my husband still loves me (and i love him). We are still learning and growing and i am sooo thankful that we get to do it together.

My prayer for today:
God, thank You for Your grace, mercy, and forgiveness. I am a sinner and i and soo thankful for Jesus dying on the cross to wash me clean. You see me as clean and pure. Father, thank you for a husband who can forgive the way that You forgive and teach me to do this also. Speak to my heart and help me to learn more and more about forgiveness. Lord, give me eyes to see my husband the way that you see him and give him eyes to see me the way that you see me. Help us to grow more in love with each other and to You.
In Jesus Name - AMEN!

forgiveness and love. - Monica
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

1st day of Lent

So when i decided to do this 40-day fast... i didn't even realize that it was Lent. He he. :)

Today is my first day of self-denial of coffee and sweets... and its been a good day to far. I read my devotional and listened to Bethel worship on my phone while getting ready for work. They sang 'Be Thou My Vision', which was the song that was playing while my husband and i took communion at our wedding... so obviously its close to my heart.

My prayer for today:
 God, be my vision! I pray that i never ever lose sight of who You are and who You have made me! With each day that passes i pray that i continue to get closer and closer to You and closer and closer to the realization of who i am! Once again, i surrender my all and i give you all the praise and the glory! Holy Spirit, guide me. Show me ways that i can represent Jesus in everything that i do.
 Father, i want to see with YOUR eyes. I want to love what You love and hate what You hate.
In Jesus Name - Amen!

clearer vision, growth, and love. - Monica
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Monday, February 20, 2012

blog thoughts & 40 days fast

Happy Monday to you all!!! :)

I have recently discovered a beautiful blog last week. Unveiled Wife is a blog dedicated to encouraging and uplifting wives and wives-to-be. The author, Jennifer, writes beautiful and powerful prayers for soo many marital circumstances and situations. Her life story is real and out there for everyone to read. She is truly an inspiration to me.

I love to document fun recipes and the cute stuff my new husband and i are doing... but above all else, beyond the recipes, pictures of my every day life, and little updates i hope to be inspiring. To uplift. To encourage. To brighten people's day. To be real and raw no matter the cost. To show love and kindness.

My blog is like my journal... rejoicing in the happy moments and contending in the not-so-smiley times. After all, i am a woman who cries when i am sad (or mad). Who laughs so hard at times that my side hurts. I am a girl who makes up phrases and chooses alternatives to cuss words.
I just hope that with the words that i write... even if it is one person who reads it... that the person on the other side feels the hope that is inside my heart.
So laugh along with me... even cry when the moment needs it... but in everything feel inspired.  Inspired to not be ashamed of who you are. Encouraged to be proud of the person God made you.

I am starting a 40 day fast inspired by Unveiled Wife. I will be fasting coffee (and espresso) and all sweets. I will be contending for my friend's, family's, and for my own marriage to be Christ-centered, to fall even more incredibly in love with Jesus, for me and my husband to realize our calling and identity, and for complete restoration to God and to each other in broken marriages that surround me. If any one is interested please feel free to join me!
Read the inspiration for the 40 day fast here. Also, if you need prayer for anything please comment below and let me know. (:

wives learning from other wives, more inspiration, and love. - Monica
♥ . ♥ . ♥

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Well.. life has been soo crazy lately!

car problems. work. bills. life! hehe.

Everything is finally settling down and i feel like i can breathe (and live) again.

We did have a fun-filled weekend though! Martin, my sister-in-law, and i had a movie day on Saturday. We went to Red Robin and got lunch, hung out at the house for awhile, and then headed out to see 'Machine Gun Preacher' at the "dollar theater". It was really sad.. and based on a true story (which makes it even more sad)!
After that we rushed over to the other theater and watched 'Safe House'. The movie started at 10pm and i will be lying if i said i didn't doze off a few times.
The next morning Martin and i got up and headed out for church. After church we went to see 'The Vow'.
That was also a sad movie based on true events! But... oh... it just made me want to be true to the vows i made almost 6 months ago! 
That night i made a delicious dinner of steak and garlic shrimp sauce while i rocked a scrunchie while cooking.

 Dinner was sooo good!!! Mmmmm... and then i made pink strawberry cupcakes for dessert. 

I truly love going all out for holidays. I love making themed foods (the first time i met Martin's family.. it was St. Patricks day.. and so i brought over green mint chocolate chip cookies). I love making it special and memorable! I know i will do this forever! hehe. Hopefully i will still have the energy and time. 
I made Martin a gift... i found it on pinterest. (follow me on there ) 
I made him a '52 reasons why i love you' card deck book. 
It was really easy to make!!! 
Write down (or type) 52 different reasons why you love your spouse (or mom, or sibling, or child), hole punch a deck of cards, glue the reasons on the card, and put it together with a binder clip (or ribbon). 
I added little pictures of us, sayings, and bible verses to the backs so that each page had something. And here is how it came out. 

And that was it! hehe. :) 
He sent me my favorite flower to work today! 

No matter if you are single, married, complicated, divorced, or not even interested... i pray that love will surround you not only on February 14th.. but all year through!!! 

love, love, and more love. - Monica
♥ . ♥. ♥ 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

heart Starbucks

oh yes! this makes me smile today.

My husband brought me some lunch and this adorable Starbucks!

again...i love this month!

pretty cups of white mocha, hearts, and love. -Monica

♥ . ♥ . ♥

Monday, February 6, 2012

my favorite month!!!

i love all things pink and with hearts.. so of course February is a favored month!

"Love suffers long, and is kind; love does not envy ; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; (love) bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Okay, i know that sooo many people have probably heard this verse before at weddings, on anniversary cards, on wall art... we probably all know it! Its probably as common as 'For God so loved the world..". But bear with me.. read it again... stop and think what each part means. 

Love suffers long (NIV says "is patient" but i like the "suffers long"... it is more honest, i think). Patience (suffering long) is not something i am perfected in. After a long day at work with the general public and then coming home to do housework can often times test my patience. And sometimes that impatience inside of me will have me react in the not-so-kind way. Then the ripple effect starts... I am sure my husband will tell you! 
But my heart is to represent love to my friends, family, and to those around me. I do not want to be rude or think evil of others. Sometimes we need to make that FIRST choice... to love. To be patient. To be selfless. To be nice... and see the ripple effect of love start. 

These verses aren't written to give us those warm and fuzzies based in emotion. These verses (i believe) are to teach us and encourage us to love correctly. It is a challenge... and every single morning we get up and choose to love again. It is so much easier to be impatient, or arrogant, or selfish.. but it is more rewarding to follow the advice of Paul and be love. :) 

re-reading common verses, pink hearts, and of course .. love. - Monica
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