Monday, April 30, 2012

Super Wife to the Rescue!

Saturday, after Martin worked all day, we had our friends and their kids over for dinner. After pizza and homemade no bake cheesecake we walked the Pier for a few hours. It was so much fun.

Sunday consisted of way to many errands in the morning (including... dun dun dun... laundry!) and lounging around for the remainder of the day.

You can pretty much imagine what my Monday was like - cleaning the entire house! So I woke up at 6am watched a few shows, ate breakfast, did pilates on Netflix, showered and started cleaning away.

Okay, I am not a clean freak AT ALL but I do like a clean-ER house. I can't feel truly relaxed watching a movie when I know I have a sink full of dishes from dinner.
This drives my husband insane! He likes to eat dinner, watch a movie, and clean the kitchen later..or tomorrow. I like to eat dinner, clean the entire kitchen, and then relax. Many times in our apartment in California, Martin would start a movie during dinner and I would get up in the middle of the movie (after I was done eating) and would start to clean the kitchen. Now, I KNEW I was being rude but I just could not enjoy the movie with my dirty dishes on the table and the leftovers not put away.
Marriage is a compromise. So.. I am trying.

I successfully went to sleep with TWO sinks full of dishes and all of our laundry unfolded (eh.. not happy we did that, but we were soo ready to just relax. We said we would "fold it later" but it never happened).

Here is what some of my house looked like before (I cleaned both of the bedrooms too.. but didn't take pictures):

And this is what the rooms looked like after Super Wife (who has a messy top knot, hello kitty slippers, polka dot apron, and pink & zebra gloves) got to them:

Then I folded all of our laundry while watching Giuliana & Bill on Netflix.

I made my husband's lunch (with an encouraging note) and set the coffee for the morning right after I paid our credit card and changed all of our insurance from California to Alabama.

Yup, I really feel like a Super Wife! Not all days are like this... and I know I will have a lazy day again but today it felt good. (:

Sending you lots of motivation and love. - Monica
♥ . ♥ . ♥

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A true southern date

Last night my husband comes home from work and says to me "we are going out tonight....."

"Hooray!!! This is exactly what we need after a week of 15 hours a day of work", I thought to myself.

My excitement left quickly with the second part of the sentence.

"..... for catfish."

Catfish?! What?! Seriously?!

Well a date is a date so I got ready.

We went to a restaurant called Top O The River. This was our second time there (I had my first sweet tea experience there).

We ordered turnip greens, pickled onions, fried dill pickles, broiled catfish, and fried catfish. Our dinner also came with cole slaw, fries, hush puppies, and corn bread.

We had so much fun!!! Surprisingly I liked it all!

I don't think I will order catfish again... but I didn't hate it.

It was so fun doing something for the first time with my husband!

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

New memories, baby cast iron skillets of cornbread, and love. - Monica

♥ . ♥ . ♥

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My walk around the neighborhood

Today I was home as my husband worked and I decided to enjoy the southern breeze and talk a walk. (:

It was fun to gaze upon the beauty I love by. (:

Walks in solitude and love. - Monica

♥ . ♥ . ♥

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Our first Alabama date

After settling into our home in Alabama and Martin working a whole week we needed a date! Although I flirt with Martin and send him little encouraging/love notes we needed some date time.

We decided to go out to dinner and catch a movie.

It was our first official date in Alabama. (:

We went to a restaurant called Struts down the street from our house. They have such a huge menu! Martin had medium lemon pepper wings and I had a chicken sandwich.

Martin tried to surprise me and get tickets to see The Lucky One but they sold out while we were in line. We decided to watch The Hunger Games instead.

Its so amazing to just hang out with him and have fun. To have one another's undivided attention. Not talk about bills, money, schedules, or any other responsibilities and just enjoy each other.

Much needed dates and love. - Monica

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

my lovely home

I wanted to show everyone our new home in Alabama besides in just pictures.
Now you can pretend that you are visiting and I am giving a tour of our home to you. (:

new home love,  - Monica
♥ . ♥ . ♥

Friday, April 20, 2012

Little blessings

I just got back from the laundry mat

Two days ago yours truly was in charge of getting all the laundry done including my husband's work clothes.

After what seemed like 100 hours I had everything clean, folded, and in the bag! Since laundry is my least favorite chore (I would rather do yard work.. or clean the bathroom... or clean someone else's house then do laundry) I was feeling really good about myself that it got done.

All those feelings quickly dissipated when Martin was picking out his work clothes for the following morning.

Apparently I had left two of the three work pants at the laundry mat. Because it was already late and Martin and I needed to get up at 3:30 the next morning, Martin said that we should just forget about it.

Yesterday I didn't have the car so I couldn't check if the pants were there but I thought it was worth a shot to see.

When I pulled up to the laundry mat I said a quick little prayer and in I went.

They had the pants!!! The manager said he found them still in the dryer last night and put them inside. I was sooo stinking excited! Martin has clean pants to wear to work and we don't have to spend money to buy new ones! (:

It just reminded me again of all the blessings that surround me.

Like if I were to truly think about ever.single.blessing my heart is overwhelmed with thankfulness.

I have food. A roof over my head. Clothes (clean too!!!). A phone. Air. The ability to walk. So much!

I really want my heart to always be thankful toward the Lord. For all that He has done and all that He is doing.

Sure I have bad days... its not always smiles. There are times when we only have top ramen to eat (although my husband LOVES top ramen lol). There has been times when we couldn't pay some bills. There has been tears... but I can't let it get to me.

When I take the time to think about all the blessings, they completely outweigh the sadness and hard times.

Countless blessings and love. - Monica

♥ . ♥ . ♥

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I love Titus

This was my morning today. The Word and some coffee (and hubby too).

I have been intrigued by the teachings in Titus for quite some time. There is so much that captivates my heart in those verses.

Titus 3 says that we (believers) were once filled with lots of ugliness but because God was so merciful He saved us and filled us with His beauty (my overly romantic paraphrasing right there).

I could read that over and over again and continue to be reminded of the love that God poured out for me. I read that and feel encouraged to continue to flee from my previous ugliness.

Lord, thank you for giving Your Son so that I may have abundant life. Thank you that because of the grace that you have freely given me that I have the ability to walk away from my past foolishness. Thank You for Your love and kindness and I pray that praise will always be on my lips.

Grace, beauty in my heart, and love. - Monica

♥ . ♥ . ♥

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Friday, April 13, 2012

encouraging him encourages me

Martin's first day of work was today. He is still working right now and won't be home for a couple more hours

I packed his lunch last night since we had to get up this morning at 4:30am. He left for work at 5:30am. Uh! So early.

I read in a book ( I cannot remember at the moment.. but I am THINKING it was Saving Your Marriage Before it Starts by Les and Leslie Parrott) that one wife would write her husband little notes with bible verses and leave them in his lunches for work. I liked loved that idea! I started writing encouraging notes to my husband quickly after we got married and I noticed a difference in myself.
It enabled me to actively think positive about my husband and purposefully search out a verse for him. It got me closer to my husband and closer to God. While I was encouraging my husband, I found that I also was feeling uplifted. Speaking of my husband's worth reminded me of the many reasons why I fell in love with him. It made me proud of to be his wife. I felt honored that the Lord entrusted me to partner my life with this man. It made me want to do more to help him feel loved and appreciated.

How better is the day when you get complimented? Or when you feel lovely? Or appreciated?
My husband works hard. In the sun. Outside. In a new situation. With new people. I hope my simple note and constant reminder of the Word puts a smile on his face, even if it is only for the one moment of reading it. Just like it does to me as I write it.

It feels good to encourage someone and to bless someone... especially when that someone is your husband. (:

Try it out.... see what happens. See if it changes the way you think toward your spouse (or roommate, or mom, or sibling). 

Father, thank You that You are constantly encouraging me. Lord, I pray that I will recognize times when someone needs to feel loved and encouraged. I pray that Holy Spirit will give me words to say, or type, or write to that person to give them what they need in that moment. 
Lord, I pray for the person receiving the encouragement, that they would be able to open the hearts. That they could receive it freely as I freely give it to them... just as you have freely given Yourself to me. God, thank You that every single day is a blessing. 
In Jesus name - AMEN.

encouraging love. - Monica
&hearts ; . ♥ . ♥

Monday, April 9, 2012

Home sweet home

Well we made it to Alabama!!! (:

We had a good trip from Memphis to our new home. The waffles were my favorite!!! (;

Alabama is incredibly gorgeous!

A lot of things are different here. Jack In The Box is Jack's here. Carls Junior is Hardy's. Neighbors all talk to eachother. The traffic lights are on strings and the road signs are to the side (instead off of the traffic light). People are very polite. Left turns are all yielded instead of protected lights. Of course everyone has accents and bible verses on signs are common. College football is life and its important to pick a team.

We are enjoying it though. (: We are learning a lot about ourselves and our trust in the Lord as well.

New Alabama love. - Monica

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

day six Oklahoma to Tennessee

We just arrived in our hotel in Memphis.

I was sad to leave my family in Oklahoma but I had so much fun with them & I can't wait to visit again! (:

I am so excited to be here in bed! We had missed our exit and ended up somewhere that I didn't want to be. Our hotel is right at the famous Graceland (Elvis Presely's home) which I would love to visit! But it is pretty pricy.

But our hotel is all Elvis Presley! He he. We only have about four and a half more hours until our new home.

We saw the funniest car while driving, the "water" at lunch looked dirty, and of course Martin can't be serious when we take photos. Lol. Needless to say... we have been laughing and smiling majority of today.

Lord, thank you again for protecting my husband and I. I praise You for the wonderful time in Oklahoma with my loved ones. Continue to bless them. I pray peace over my husband and myself as we sleep our last night in a hotel and prepare the way for tomorrow. In Jesus Name- Amen.

The King has left the building and love. - Monica

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