Monday, December 21, 2015
All the Judgmental Looks {My toddler melted down.. again}
Friday, December 18, 2015
It was such a Holy Night - Arrows and Warriors
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Meltdowns and Santa attempts
Friday, December 4, 2015
5 things I would have told my first time mom self
I wrote a blog post today over at Arrows and Warriors about 5 things I would tell my first time mom self.
I have learned so much since having both of my boys and I wanted to share some things I wish I had known the first time or at least believed.
Let me know what is something you would go back and tell yourself as a first time mom (or any other first time mom.)
Advice and love, Monica
Sunday, November 29, 2015
MyLittleGuy - 7 Months
Thursday, November 19, 2015
its beginning to feel a lot like.......
Sunday, November 15, 2015
ANOTHER rebrand.
To Top Knots and sippy Cups.
I started thinking about my blog and what I want for it.
Last night I realized I don't want to limit myself.
I want to write mom stuff and updates on the boys. I want to post recipes and crafts I am doing.
But I also want to journal about what he Lord is doing in my life. What I am learning. How I am growing. The good, the ugly, the scary, the lovely. All of it.
That Beloved Life!
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
October Update
Saturday, October 24, 2015
fresh start.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
I love Fall
Like truly truly love.
I have literally been picking out everything I can that is pumpkin spice.
YUP. I am one of those girls.
I have had pumpkin spice coffee, pancakes, mochi, m&ms, waffles, tea, and of course pumpkin spice lattes. I cant wait to go to Trader Joes this weekend and pick up some more pumpkin items too (mmm.. pumpkin chai is on my list).
I am only allowed to endulge in this spicy, sweet, delicious
Speaking of those beautiful orange vegetables, I am extremely excited to take my boys to their first pumpkin patch next weekend. We have been putting it off for so long but I told my Husby that we have to do it next weekend since there are only 2 more weekends left in October.
I am still debating whether we will carve them or just paint them.. but of course I have to take pictures of SethJason and JaydenMicheal in the pumpkins.
SethJason and I have also been enjoying the falling leaves.
He has been wanting to go outside everyday... which I am totally okay with.
He runs and jumps and throws the leaves all over.
Today I was editing a picture I took of him and tells me "pho down" and grabs my hand.
Nothing makes me want to jump up faster then my 2 year old telling me to unplug.
we ran and jumped over the leaves together.
It still isnt THAT cold... well, besides in the morning time... but I am so ready to walk around in my leggings, boots, and scarves.
Truly, I wish it was Fall all year round... but then maybe I wouldnt appreciate as much.
Whats your favorite season? Is pumpkin spice your friend or foe?
falling leaves, more pumpkin spice, and love. - Mrs. V
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
what you dont see {social media lies}
I try to take pictures once a year to see our family grow and get older. I really really love getting them done. My husband and kids done exactly look forward to it, the way that I do. hehe.
After getting some previews back and posting them to social media I realized something... social media totally lies!
You see this super cute picture of my guys and I laughing. Pure joy on our faces.
And although it is true..... it isnt all that is there.
You dont see that my amazing husband and I were arguing that morning while getting ready to go.
You dont see that I got maybe 5 hours of sleep (NOT in a row).
You dont see that my 2 year old is very strong willed and independant and even the simplest task can be a struggle.
You dont see that my 5 month old is starting to teethe and wanting to be held nonstop.
You dont see that we worry about bills being paid, that the house was dirty, and there was so much laundry to do.
You dont see that I have insecurites. About my looks, my mothering ability, my wife skills, and being adequate.
You dont see that my husband just worked 6 days straight and only had that day off to start all over again.
- . - . - . -
Now, I dont believe that we should share every little nitty gritty detail on social media. Facebook, Twitter, and instagram are not appropriate places to publicly vent to (in my opinion).
But just know that the picture or status you are envious of or comparing yourself to isnt the whole truth.
I know, for me, I look at other people's homes or activities with their kids and I look over at SethJason, who is watching his 3rd episode of Little Einsteins, and I feel awful!
I read a status about how in love two people are, while I am in mid-argument with my husband, and I feel jealous.
Comparison is the thief of joy.
Social media is the highlight reel!
You see the filtered, cropped, sometimes staged, edited versions of their lives.
If your life is messy, crazy, confusing, frustrating, sometimes tough, know that you are not alone! Those moments just dont make it on to my instagram.
laughs, tears, and love. - Mrs V.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Moving, moving, moving
I feel like I am ALWAYS moving.
From California to Alabama. From Alabama to Missouri. Missouri to Kansas. Kansas to Missouri. And our latest: Missouri to California.
For the longest time we were looking forward to moving and living in California. Our family, friends, church, in n out, and so much of what we love is in California.
I miss my family beyond words. I was so looking forward to having friends that are already in my life.
But ... it didn't work out.
Our home no longer felt like home.
It was such a strange feeling and really it left me sad.
Doors were being closed and it just didn't feel right.
We prayed and decided as a family to ...
... move back to Missouri.
Crazy, right?
But we really feel that God has guided us and continues to guide us.
We will trust Him.
And now I am just excited and relieved to make this place home!
No more moving and love, Mrs. Very
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Top Knots and sippy cups - rebrand
I am totally redoing this little blog i call "home."
I have had this blog for many many years before ever meeting my husband and ALOT has changed in my life since then.
I know that I am starting to get into a routine again with life (not feeling so much like a first time mom anymore) and I thought with that, I should bring back this place I had fallen so in love with.
I am a journaler.
I don't have terrific grammar. I won't pretend to be the next great writer or use big words.
I cannot compete with the top blogger or even blogs I enjoy reading. I probably won't have great mommy advice (which really starts to confuse me... i read way to many articles). My marriage is not perfect and I promise to not try to put on that facade (trust me. we bicker and argue like the rest of them.... I am just not into putting that all out on social media).
I just want a place where I can write my thoughts, talk about my two amazing little boys, reflect on what the Lord is teaching me, and learn from my marriage. I also love getting insight from my beautiful friends (ahem, readers) and being inspired by you all!
- . - . - . -
I am sure you have noticed the new URL and new blog name. The rest of the blog will slowly get a makeover too (slowly because I have no idea what I am doing but i dont have hundreds of dollars to pay for a design).
Welcome sweet friends to:
Top Knots And Sippy Cups!
Still just me - with a different name (but dont worry... I am still and always will be captivated by love).
I also started a youtube channel for more of the fun family stuff. Type in TopKnots&SippyCups to find it and subscribe. {here is SethJason's 2 year well check video}
messy top knots, sippy cups of juice, and love, Monica.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Birth Story of Jayden Michael {natural VBAC}
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
grief {honoring her name}
"Auntie Gee" (as everyone called her) pretty much raised me when I was taken away from my parents due to their own struggles. I lived with her for about year or more when I was 5yrs old. And From 14 yrs old on... I lived with Auntie Gee.
I am forever grateful for her selflessness, acceptance, love, and constant sacrifice in my life. She took me and my two younger brothers in after raising 4 kids of her own.
My grief will come and go. I feel it in moments where I want to call her to tell her about my day or how SethJason is doing. Times where I would call her because my husband and I were in an argument and i needed her encouragement. Times where I would normally call just to chat - like on the way to the store, or when the baby went down for a nap.
I spoke to my aunt every single day. She was my best friend in every sense of the word.
Auntie Gee taught me how to be a strong, independent woman. She taught me to speak my feelings out and to never feel bad about my emotions. My aunt taught me to always stand up for what I believe in and trust in the Lord at all times.
Auntie Gee NEVER judged me, or made me feel bad. She was always encouraging.... even if we (my brothers and I) weren't doing well, she still always made us feel loved and accepted. She understood every emotion I was feeling. She would even have to explain to my husband why I was acting the way I was acting. haha.
I know that I wouldn't be the woman I am today without her.
So.... I will miss her forever. I dont think a day will go by without me thinking of her and how she made such a mark on my life.
But i do know that she doesnt want me to sit in my room and cry all day. She doesnt want me to give up on life and blame and question God as to why He took her from me. She doesnt want me to fear the unknown.
My Auntie Gee wants me to LIVE LIFE!
So that is what I am going to do. Live a bigger, better, more beautiful life in honor of her! I will take every wonderful thing she has taught me - from her words, her actions, and her impressions - and I will apply those in my life. I know the words she would say to me and I will honor that.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
my short marriage realization
Because sometimes marriage is hard.
And messy.
Sometimes we forgive more then we laugh.
Because there are days where we want to run away.
Because there are moments where I need a lot of grace, and I need to extend the same amount.
Sometimes I need to be reminded that my spouse is not perfect.... And neither am I.
There are times in marriage where frustration takes over and communication is lacking.
And in these moments is when I am reminded how badly we need Christ at the center. Forever.
something I am learning and love. - Mrs V
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Monday, January 19, 2015
Happy Monday!
Are you off today for the holiday? MrV has to work (boo!) but is getting holiday pay (yay!).
I wanted to just update you on what is going on here.
~ I am now 6.5 months pregnant with baby boy #2 and getting so so excited! He is kicking like crazy and I am just getting bigger and bigger. Its starting to get uncomfortable and I am not quite sure how I will manage another 3 months. AsherTate is super healthy and I just feel so so blessed. We still have a lot to get for him but we are good with clothes. Luckily we saved a lot from SethJason. We are hoping for a VBAC at a beautiful birth center here and I am just trying to prepare myself the best I can.
~ MrV is working and keeps working his way up in the company. I am so so proud of him! We have some transition we are figuring out with his job so prayers would be appreciated on that. He is playing football on the weekends with a group of guys he works with and he is just loving it. I am so glad he has a little outlet to just be a man.
~ SethJason is now a year and half!!! He recently had a very traumatic haircutting experience ... even though it was his 2nd haircut. I am teaching him signs since he still isn't talking much. He will say
"mom" and "dada" but everything else is jibber jabber. He can sign: more, eat, and all done. I need to start teaching him some more because he is doing so well with it. And gets way less frustrated with me while trying to communicate. SethJason climbs on everything and loves to throw his little football (just like daddy). He is now sleeping through the night, completely weaned, and even sleeps in his crib!!!! This just happened about 3 months ago. hehe. Its wonderful to have a few months off before we start this process over with AsherTate. Everything is a phone to him and he loves to talk.... unless someone is actually on the phone and then he doesn't talk at all. hehe.
~ Our family is starting to pray about where we want to live forever. We miss our families in California sooo much and we are really just trying to figure out what will be best for us. MrV is looking into transfers for later this year and where would be best. Please be praying for us as we listen to The Lord and really decide where we want to plant roots. We have lived in 4 different states in the last 3.5 years and we really want to settle.
~ We found a church here that we are really enjoying too! Its a bigger church but everyone is so so friendly. SethJason even has a little class that he does too and he really LOVES it! He plays with all the little kids and is learning about sharing, songs, and The Lord.