Monday, October 29, 2012

Autumn in Alabama

Happy Monday everyone!!!
Today i am spending the day cleaning and then babysitting. Husby is at work and then he gets to watch the 49ers game.
This past weekend we went to the pumpkin patch and carved our pumpkins. We had so so much fun! It was extremely cold but luckily my husband can still have fun and be silly with me!
We bought some hot cocoa and hot apple cider first! I shot off a corn blaster (pics are in Martins phone though), we did the mini corn maze (we pretty much just walked in it, took a picture and left), we rode on the back of a tractor thing, and then picked out our pumpkins!
We ended our Saturday with an amazing church service about how God, who is the great one, called us GOOD! The guest speaker talked about what it means too be called good by a great God. It was really empowering. We had some wonderful prayer time and my husband and i were really touches by it.
After that we dinner with friends. (:
Sunday we relaxed and carved out our pumpkins. I told Martin i didn't want to do a face and so we came up with our own little thing. (:
It was a wonderful weekend
Enjoy some pics and i am gonna go clean some more! (:
What did you do this weekend?
Have a blessed Monday and week!
Carved pumpkins, hot cider, and love. - Monica


Friday, October 26, 2012

There has to be more...

Happy Friday everyone!!! (: (: (:

Any plans for the weekend? I am hoping husby and i can go to the pumpkin patch!

- . - . - . -
have you ever woken up with conviction on your heart? not guilt or shame because that is not from the Lord.... But just felt that Holy Spirit was convicting you of something?

well that was me this morning.

After waking up with Martin and getting his coffee made and water packed I went back to sleep after reading some tweets. One of the tweets was from a beautiful woman of God. i first found her corresponding with Jennifer (@unveiledwife) founder of Unveiled Wife (a ministry devoted to encouraging and uplifting wives) so i decided to follow her too.
This woman (@JenniferPepp) wrote a sweet tweet about her 3 your old daughter understanding the Trinity. Her tweets about her daughter always delight my heart and encourage me for when I will be a mom.
After I read it I went back to sleep for our little morning nap... 2 hours later I woke up with such a pressing on my heart.

I DO NOT want to be a Sunday Christian!

Now i don't think i do anything "bad" according to society's standard. I do not party or drink alcohol. I do not cheat on my husband. I don't steal or kill people. I don't litter. I try my best to be polite. I dress modestly. We go to church every Sunday and say hi to the pastor. I say my quick prayer at dinner time and I forgive.
On the outside i look pretty "good", right?

But God calls me (us) to MORE!!! How is Sundays sermon impacting the rest of my week? Am i spending quality time with Lord and just being with him? I want to be salt and light to the world... So what does that look like?,I desire to be a Godly wife and future mother. I want to teach my children about God and instill in them values. Which means my husband and i need to do them NOW!
We are called to share the gospel -- not by going to church once a week or holding a sign that says "i love Jesus" but by representing Him! Or like my old pastor would say "re-PRESENTING" Him. Its by spending time with God so that we can be more like Him.
Its not a religious thing and i never want it to be a task or a duty... But an honor!
It is a true honor that i get to serve the King of Kings. It is a joy that i can read His word and apply it to my life. Its not just words! It is the LIVING word - it should change how we live! Prayer is not just "thank you for this food and amen". It is a conversation with the LIVING God - it should change how we live!

So... This is where i am at. There is my heart on paper (well on your computer or smart phone screen).
I just really feel the tugging on my heart for change and going after Him more.

Please let me know how i can pray for you this weekend.

- . - . -
So i probably won't blog until Monday (hooray for husby being off on the weekends!).

I just wanted to thank you all for following and reading! Last time i looked i had 88 followers and i am humbled and amazed! You all encourage me and inspire me so so much!
Hugs from my little family to yours!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Conflict Resolution

Well my computer is still at the doctor (boo) so here i am blogging from the smart cellular. Hehe.

This weekend husby and i went on some fun dates! We went to the local high school football game on Friday. We went to lunch at a nice little restaurant, saw Taken 2, and went to a new church/worship service on Saturday. On Sunday we went to our church and then lunch at one of our favorite places.
It was a really great weekend.

But it had the potential to be a not so great weekend. On Friday night after the game my prince and i got into (dun dun dun) an argument.

I know what you are thinking, "but Monica, you are married which means you never fight. You are a Christian wife and have a Christian husband, what is happening?
i thought your marriage was perfect because of all the stuff you post on twitter and instagram (Mrs_v820).
I am baffled! How could you have argued?"

Ok, hopefully you don't think like that... But i would be lying if i said that I didn't kinda think that way when i was single.

I want to be real on my blog. I don't want to paint this picture of the perfect marriage that is unattainable.
My husband and i are two months into our second year of marriage and we are still learning! We get into arguments. We disagree sometimes. Occasionally we hurt the other persons feelings. We forgive. We apologize. We forgive. We apologize. We forgive again.

So.... conflict can come from anywhere. Insecurity. Past hurts (caused by the person or other people). Misunderstanding.  Not communicating at all. Frustrations. Fear. Confusion. And the list can go on and on.
We, as individuals, need to deal with things like past hurt, fear, insecurities, learning to communicate effectively, etc. But let's pretend (well... Its not really pretending for me) that we haven't dealt with every single issue yet... And a conflict has happened.
This isn't an issue at our house but for the sake of conflict resolution we will use this small example.

Your husband left the toilet seat up!!! Oh great! Out of your anger and frustration you confront your husband who has just got home from work. Out of his defensiveness and tiredness the conflict emerges.
Here are some things i have learned..... Uh.... things i am learning about conflict resolution.

1) talk calmly. Even if the other person confronts you with loudness and harsh words. Usually if you can keep your cool the other person will calm themselves down too.
2) use your best communication skills. Let the other person know that you HEAR them.
3) do not try to "win" the argument. You guys are a TEAM! the goal is to get to an understanding ... Not to win or hurt the other person more.
4) don't play the blame game (this is YOUR fault. You always do this. I get,mad because of YOU!). this is also a game with no winners.
Use phrases like "when you do this... It makes me feel...." That way your spouse knows that its not HIM and you can effectively express how you feel without being offensive (when you leave the toilet seat up it makes me feel disrespected. When you yell and scrream at me it makes me feel attacked.
When you don't call me when you leave the store it makes me feel worried. When you don't want to hold my hand it makes me feel unloved." )
5) never bring up past things that you have already forgiven him for (this is just like last Friday when you left the seat up!)
6) let them know again that you truly hear them by talking about what has been said when you apologize and agree to work on what caused the conflict. (ok sweetheart i never want you to feel disrespected. So will try my best to remember to put the toilet seat down and i am very sorry.)
7) in a conflict it is good for both of you to apologize and forgive and agree to change. (i am sorry too. I don't ever want you to feel attacked so i will work on how i approach you)
8) it is never to late to humble yourself and apologize. Even if you feel the conflict has been resolved still apologize!,still forgive. It helps your marriage so so much.

Also remember that you married an imperfect person and you as well are imperfect. Jesus is the only perfect one. When we remind ourselves that our spouse is not perfect we can start to forgive more frequently... Because we also need that constant forgiveness.

Like i have always said make sure you are responding in love and not reacting in anger.

Husby and i are still learning. Still growing. Still experiencing and making mistakes. But we do it together.

{Ephesians 4:26 NKJV}
“Be angry, and do not sin” : do not let the sun go down on your wrath,

Resolving conflict and love. - Monica

Friday, October 19, 2012

Baby leap list. (:

Okay... Here it is!!!
I had some help from my fantastic friend, Shawna, who has four beautiful children. (: (:

I might add to it in the future but here it is so far!

I am excited to have these adventures with my husband before we dive into the next season of our marriage. (:

baby leap list
- take care of a pet. CHECK!
- travel across the country. CHECK!
- love in a completely new place. CHECK! Thank you Alabama.
- go to a live concert. CHECK! Jason Mraz and Christina Perri
- amusement park: just us two
- camping in a tent.
- water park: just us two
- weekend at a bed and breakfast
- college football game
- professional football game
- watch a play at a fancy theater
- go to Dennys (or something like it) at 1 am to eat or have dessert
- couples massage at a day spa
- go on a cruise ship
- see the Grand Canyon
- take a train ride somewhere
- some type of dance lesson (swing, Latin, classical...etc)
- hike somewhere and have a picnic
- no agenda day... just relax in pjs.

I know some of these things we could do with our future children but we want to experience them with just each other first and then do them with our kids. (:

New experiences and love. -Monica

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Changing thoughts

Good morning!!!

thanks for all the ideas of my baby leap list!!!
I am excited to talk to my husband about it more and let you all know my list. (: (:

yesterday was a hard day because Sophia got very very sick. I had to take our poor little puppy into the vet because she was throwing up all morning.
since then she has been sleeping and not really eating or drinking.
the vet did tell us that the shot would make her very very tired. I am hoping that is all it is.
so today is just snuggle day.

I also had my little babysitting job yesterday. it is spirit week at her school and today is superhero day.
we....... well I made her costume.
she is Wonder Woman. (: (:

I found this super cute picture of my husband, sister in law, and brother in law showing off their cool new kicks. He he.

anything you have learned so far this week?

today I feel like I am learning to not give my thoughts over to the enemy.
I have noticed that I can be very anxious ... if I am not aware of my thoughts.
sometimes I can make up whole stories or scenarios in my head and then react on those feelings.
I know that is something I need to pray in to give completely to the Lord.

"Satan wants a foothold so he can get a stronghold. small place that turns into something huge." - this was on Beth Moore's twitter this morning.

I cannot allow the enemy to have a foothold or a stronghold on my thoughts.

Lord, renew my mind. Wash me clean. I know these negative thoughts are not from you and i declare that they will leave now!  I will not be anxious about my future or my marriage because my hope is in you. I trust you with all that i am and i believe in Your promises for my life.
Continue to grow our marriage and conform it to Your will. Be at our center and saturate us with your love. Speak too my and my husbands heart and show us our callings. We will yield to You. We give you praise and honor forever.
In Jesus name. Amen.

if you feel any area in your life that the enemy might have a foothold on, please pray. talk to God and give it back to him. let me know how I can be praying for all of you.

have a happy happy happy Wednesday!

Sick puppy cuddles, restored grace, and love. - Monica

Monday, October 15, 2012

Before a baby bucket list

Have you all heard of a bucket list?

Its basically a list of things you want to do before you die.

Today i was shamelessly watching 'Married to Jonas' (which might be one off my favorite shows right now.) And he had a bucket list of things he wanted to do before having a baby.
I think its called something else though and not a bucket list....but a... Uh.....  Anyone know?

Anyways it got me thinking about certain things i want to do before we have a baby.
I hope that even after we have children that we can still do fun stuff but i know it will be different.
So i want to come up with a list of things i want to do with my husby before we have a baby. (:

1) camping
2) amusement park together

That's all i have so far. He he.

Lovelies, did you have a baby bucket list? Or a list of things to do before you turned a certain age? Do you have one now? Any suggestions for me? (:

lists, new experiences, and love. - Monica

Socializing Media Alert!

Did you know that i have a Twitter?

Were you aware that i have a Facebook?

I also love to post pictures on instagram and you can follow me @Mrs_v820.

These are also some fun ways too follow along with me. (:

Social media and love. -Monica

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fridays Letters

Happy happy Friday lovelies!!!!

Husby is watching some football channel and I am sitting here trying to convince him that he DOES want to see the play 'Peter Pan' tonight. Haha. We will see how it goes.

Lets write some letters with Ashley

Dear Husby,
I am so so glad that you are feeling better!!! After almost two weeks of you being sick ... I am beyond ready for you to feel like your normal self.
I know that this sickness was not ideal but I am overjoyed that we had some quality time and talked. My heart gets so so happy to just sit and talk to you! I love you so much!
Love always, Your Rib

Dear Sophia,
You are growing up so fast! I love to look at pictures and videos of you when you were a puppy. (:
Lets keep it up with this potty training thing... I think we are finally getting it.
Love, your momma

Dear Fall,
I am sooo glad you are here!!!! I never realize how much I missed you until you come back! (: I am excited to see how you will be in Alabama.
Stay as long as you would like! We can enjoy boots, scarves, pumpkin spice lattes, colorful scenery, and football. (:
- Mrs. V

Dear homemakers,
I made homemade apple sauce, cinnamon roll pancakes, homemade chocolate chip cookies, and spinach and pepper Jack cheese stuffed chicken this past week.
I am just really really proud of myself and wanted to tell you all! (:
Sincerely, the new domesticated wife

Dear readers/followers/friends,
Thank you all again for coming back to my little blog time after time and reading my words. (:
Your comments always warm my heart and put a smile on my face. I would love to do a giveaway when o get to 100 followers just to thank you all!
You all truly inspire and encourage me! You allow me to be open, honest, real, sometimes silly, and true to myself. So thank you all!
Incredibly humbled, Monica

Dear Lord,
Here I am again in awe of who You are! Thank you for blessing me and my family. These past few weeks you have freed me from a lot of hurt and insecurities. You have done amazing things in my heart and in my marriage. Thank you for giving me life and for calling me Your beloved.
Thank you for your constant provision and everlasting love that goes beyond my thinking. Please encounter everyone who reads this blog. Reveal yourself to them in a new way and restore broken relationships. You are such a good good God!
Forever, Your Beloved

Letters and love. - Monica

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Crock pot Cinnamon apple sauce {recipe}

Good morning lovelies!!! (: (:

I am sitting here on my phone while my puppy naps and my husby plays xbox.

Husby has been sick for almost two weeks!!! He seems to be getting better though. Yay!
The doctor told him to eat softer foods that are easy to digest -- one of those was applesauce.

I had seen a recipe on pinterest for homemade applesauce and I was really excited to try it.

(Sorry that the pictures are at the bottom and probably out of order... I am still blogging from my cellular)

- 8 apples (various types)
- 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
- 1 strip of lemon peel
- 5 tsp of Brown sugar
- about 1 tsp of cinnamon (I said about because its more for your taste... the original recipe said to use a cinnamon stick and then remove it... but I like my applesauce with cinnamon)

- core, peel, and cube apples
- place Apple slices, cinnamon, lemon juice, lemon peel, and Brown sugar in the crock pot.
- cook on low for 6 hours, stirring occasionally
- after six hours mash the apples (the original recipe said you could blend it to make it smoother.... but I just used a fork so it was chunkier)
- applesauce will last in the fridge for 3 weeks.

Ya'll (that's my southern coming out from living in Alabama for six months) this was soo good! I was actually shocked at how delicious and easy it was!!!

Enjoy and let me know if you try it!

A house smelling like Apple cinnamon and love. - Monica

Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy fall ya'll

Well it is cold here in Alabama!!!

I feel like it just happened overnight too!
I am wearing sweaters inside and scarfs outside!
I even made a cup of decaf coffee just because I was cold!! Heehe.

So what is the weather like where you are?

Also Martin is still sick so if you could all pray for him I would appreciate it!

Snuggle up and happy Monday!

Hot coffee, scarves, and love - Monica

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sick :(

Husby has been sick all Week.... So that is where i have been. Taking care of him and getting him plenty of soup. Also we found a store that sells Kombucha so he is so excited! He LOVES Kombucha and swears its helps him when he doesn't feel good.

My computer is currently getting better too. Lol. It was broken so my love took it to some computer doctor last week. Things are a lot slower in the south so it could take a few weeks to get it back.

I hope you all are having a beautiful weekend and i pray God encounters you in new ways! (:

Campbells soup, kombucha, and love - Monica

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Lately i have been needing to remember to breathe and give my everything back to God.

Trust Him.

Follow Him.

Rely on Him.

Fall in love with Him.

If anyone else is feeling this way know that i am praying for you and sending you hugs.

I encourage you to pray and take some time to speak to the Lord.
Enjoy the beauty around you and remember that God is sending you love letters. (:

Breathe in the beauty and love. - Monica

Monday, October 1, 2012

Worth it

This quote has been on my heart the past few weeks.

Marriage is tough.

Martin and i have been married a little over a year. There have been laughter.... And tears. Ups.... And downs. Giggles... as well as shouts. I would be completely lying if i said it was easy 100% of the time.

I have learned a new level of patience. Grace. Frustration. and love.
We had to learn how to live together and to trust each other in a new way.

Martin and i are different people who grew up in different ways but we have to mesh that together. We have to mold together to become one.

Its challenging but sooooo worth it. Marriage is worth every fight because it is a blessed union by God.

Marriage is a union of two forgivers.

Those are just some of my thoughts this morning. (:

Happy Monday!