Thursday, June 18, 2015

Top Knots and sippy cups - rebrand


I am totally redoing this little blog i call "home."

I have had this blog for many many years before ever meeting my husband and ALOT has changed in my life since then.
I know that I am starting to get into a routine again with life (not feeling so much like a first time mom anymore) and I thought with that, I should bring back this place I had fallen so in love with.

I am a journaler.

I don't have terrific grammar. I won't pretend to be the next great writer or use big words.
I cannot compete with the top blogger or even blogs I enjoy reading. I probably won't have great mommy advice (which really starts to confuse me... i read way to many articles). My marriage is not perfect and I promise to not try to put on that facade (trust me. we bicker and argue like the rest of them.... I am just not into putting that all out on social media).

I just want a place where I can write my thoughts, talk about my two amazing little boys, reflect on what the Lord is teaching me, and learn from my marriage. I also love getting insight from my beautiful friends (ahem, readers) and being inspired by you all!

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I am sure you have noticed the new URL and new blog name. The rest of the blog will slowly get a makeover too (slowly because I have no idea what I am doing but i dont have hundreds of dollars to pay for a design).

Welcome sweet friends to:
Top Knots And Sippy Cups!

Still just me - with a different name (but dont worry... I am still and always will be captivated by love).

I also started a youtube channel for more of the fun family stuff. Type in TopKnots&SippyCups to find it and subscribe. {here is SethJason's 2 year well check video}

messy top knots, sippy cups of juice, and love, Monica.

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