Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Spontaneous Dates with my husband

This morning my husband got me up earlier then normal and told me to get ready. I had NO idea what we were going to do.

We got up and drove around our hometown. We looked at different scenery.. cute houses.. shops we've never been to.
We stopped off at one little bread shop and they gave us a free slice of cinnamon bread! oh yea! it was about to be a good day!!! ;)

Its amazing all the different stores and shops we had never been to the whole time we have lived here! I have been here for 3 years and i still find places i have never been in! i love having adventures.

We decided to just keep driving and ended up downtown walking around. We walked around the "downtown mall" which is just a bunch of shops clustered together outside. hehe.

There were these blue benches that went all the over and had big gaps .. so Martin and i decided to try to jump to the next one. i failed... but Martin could do it!
Isn't that soo like guys?! lol.
The first time he didnt get enough speed...and missed.

But then he made every.single.one.
We joked abut jumping over this one:
but no attempts were made. Martin said "i would get on TV for making it... or on YouTube for falling.. either way i'd be famous!" hehe.

We continued to walk and i admired all of the window art. I LOVE this time of year! Valentines day is like one of my favorite holidays! I know it sucks when you are single.... or on a diet. But i love all things pink, girly, and romantic! i really liked this one at a downtown restaurant.
So fun!

After that we drove around some more just admiring the little town we live in. We decided to stop off at our local organic store to pick up some honey for tea. I didn't know how much fun i was about to have!!!

They had different types of honey by the tubs!!! And you bought it by the pound! They had little taste cups so you can try them! First free bread... and then as many free samples of honey our tummys can handle!!! (which isn't a lot... lol... not since we hadn't eaten real food yet!)
We went with traditional raw Clover honey! :)
Yummy! i cant wait to have some tea with it!!!

By that time we were very very hungry and in the mood for a movie. So we bought our movie tickets early and headed over to Five Guys Burger and Fries. It was DELICIOUS!!! They just opened and a good friend of ours said they liked it.. so we checked it out! i was very impressed!
It was a great price.. lots of food.. and you can choose whatever toppings you want on the burger for free!!! I wasn't a huge fan of the cajun seasoning on the fries... so next time i will get them regular... but it was still good! :)

Then it was movie time! We watched 'Contraband'. It was pretty good.. a "guy movie" in my opinion.. but still good. I thought we were the only people in the theater so i yelled out "YYYES!!!" and as i was turning i noticed a man in the top corner. oops! lol.

We had a GREAT day today! :) And it really wasn't that expensive! We know that we don't have a lot of money to go out.. but it is soo important to our marriage that we continue to "date". We went to the early bird (first showing) for the movie.. which made it cheaper.. and just went to a cheaper restaurant. We window-shopped and just spend a lot of time together! :) i had soo much fun! Enjoy your town the next time you can! Have a picnic! Window shop! Have fun!!!

lovely dates, delicious burgers, and love. - Monica
♥ . ♥ . ♥


Anonymous said...

Aww that looks like a great day. Wish I could have a day with just my hubby to do fun stuff and act like a kid again. The honey you buy from the crunchy places is always so much better than bottled too!

Ally said...

I just stumbled upon your blog, but I love it!!! I've been married for 3.5 years now, and was starting to feel like we were losing the spark!! Then along came your blog:))) I'm definitely gonna take a look around our town and see what fun/cheap things we can do!!!!
Thanks for the inspiration:))

xxooMonica said...

Ally - welcome to my blog!!! :) :) hehe... i am soo glad that you feel inspired! that delights my heart! prayers and blessings from my family to yours!

Shawna - the honey is amazing!!! my tea tastes like sweetness from Heaven! :) hehe. i hope you and your love can find some time throughout the day to enjoy eachother!